Sunday 25th September 2016
A Walk
Coniston Old Man
9 Miles Grade 1
Leader: Roger Tringham
Report by Roger Tringham
Photos by Pete Rutland
31 on the bus today with 7 on the A walk. For the first hour the weather was variable - what might be described as a waterproof on/off day, with a particularly heavy shower at the moment of leaving the village of Coniston. It is that time of year when there is a choice between being rather too warm in waterproofs or rather too wet without. The route too the summit of the Old Man is a fairly relentless climb with some interest in the old mine workings but with stupendous views over Coniston lake and its surrounds. The summit was reached in just under 2 hours but it was too windy to hang about for long. The rest of the walk was mainly shower free and we continued down to the col on route to Dow crag where a sheltered spot was found for lunch. We than walked to the summit of Dow crag and continued south along this splendid ridge to Brown Pike. The views from this ridge are magnificent with steep gullies to the left and a wide vista out to the coast at Ravenglass. We then took the Walna Sca "road" back to Coniston.