Sunday 24th January 2016
A Walk
Eagle Crag to Greenup Edge
8 Miles Grade 1
Leader: David Bulman
Report by Peter Flynn
Photos by Peter Flynn & Lauren Sarasini
Today we welcomed our latest German student, Kathi from Bavaria and the poor girl must not have known what hit her. First of all, one of our group managed to forget his rucksack – how thick can you be – and had to do a detour back to my house to collect it. Then when we got going, it was clear that Kathi was a very accomplished mountaineer, tackling Eagle Crag as though it were a mole-hill while the rest of us (David apart) were really struggling, due to lack of exercise, Xmas excesses and Lauren having a cracked rib. The poor girl – Kathi, not Lauren - must have thought she was out with a bunch of geriatrics who had been allowed out for a few hours by matron. We all did make it to the top of Eagle Crag, very steep and unforgiving, but a superb vantage point (had it not been for the fog which restricted views to about 30ft, with the odd glimpse down into the valley. It was wet and wild, (sounds like a night-club) and the views were very restricted. However, we did manage to find a rare fairly sheltered spot for lunch and were treated to some tea loaf that Ian had baked, using malt whisky as well as Earl Grey – absolutely scrumptious. Eventually we reached Lining Crag with pinpoint accurate navigation from David on a ghastly day. Thanks David for a very memorable walk, superbly led in difficult conditions. Do give it another go, Kathi, I am sure we can get an all day pass from Matron next time.