Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club
Walk & Event Reports
Sunday 21st August 2016
B Walk
Moor Row to St Bees
8 Miles Grade 3
Leader: John McKay
Report by John McKay
Photos by Pete Rutland & John McKay
Eighteen of us set off from Moor Row on a lovely day for walking. A big welcome to Joyce out on her first walk with the club. We paused at the start to take a look at the monument to Wainwright before we set off on the Coast to Coast path towards St Bees. It was a good path alongside hedgerows and across fields and we found ourselves on a minor road. We walked along the road for a bit before I started to feel a bit uneasy, it didn’t seem right, it was time to look at the map. We had missed a turning. Being the Coast to Coast path I assumed it would be well sign posted but that wasn’t the case at all. We made our way back and found the right path and got back on course. We had added about a mile to the walk, I do like to give the members value for money. We stopped for lunch at the St Bees Lighthouse before making our way along the cliff tops in glorious sunshine. We arrived at St bees and had some delicious ice cream before setting of for Whitehaven to collect the A party. A lovely day, thanks to everyone who came along and a special thanks to Anne and Ken for the Plain Chocolate Tunnocks Caramel Wafers, one of Scotland’s greatest exports.