Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 28th February 2016

B Walk

Ennerdale Round

8 Miles Grade 2

Leader: Ian Rowley

Photos by Ian Rowley & John McKay


Report by Ian Rowley

After almost a whole week with no rain and several days of clear skies and bright sunshine the omens for Sunday’s walk did not bode well however the gods clearly shine on the righteous and Sunday proved to be one the best days of the year so far.
Nineteen walkers set off for a round the lake walk starting off with a stiff climb that thinned out the group but rewarded everyone with a fantastic panorama once we re-assembled on the top of Anglers Crag. We paused for several minutes to take in the views and soak up the surprisingly warm sunshine. There was much erudite and intelligent conversation but one anonymous rambler decided that the lake level was a little on the low side (see picture 9). Several walkers on the Coast to Coast path reported an unexpected light shower. After this breathtaking start to the walk (in every sense) it was downhill all the way for a pleasant ramble alongside beautiful Ennerdale Water and a leisurely lunch break was taken with fine views down the length of the lake.
Crossing the Lisa river we wandered into the woods briefly before returning to the lake side for more sunshine and fine Lakeland scenery. The walk finished up at the extremely welcoming and friendly Shepherds Arms where tea, coffee, scones and one or two pints of beer were consumed.
A beautiful day enjoyed by all.
