Sunday 30th October 2016
B Walk
Sale Fell & Ling Fell
7 Miles Grade 2
Leader: Heather Perrin
Report & Photos by John McKay
Not too many photos I’m afraid, I took loads but unfortunately my camera seems to have gone faulty and I can’t download all of them. Heather’s walk description promised us a walk with no boggy paths or hacking through jungles and no clinging on to rickety gates dangling over perilous ravines. What an imagination she has, where does she get these ideas from, just who’s walks would include such terrible things I have no idea. She also promised us great views and lovely grassy paths. She was true to her word in every way and even included great weather as a bonus. What a woman she is. The United Nations this week appointed a cartoon character, Wonder Woman, as an ambassador and role model for women, the mind boggles. It could have been worse I suppose, they could have appointed Hilary Clinton. Obviously Ban Ki-Moon has never heard about Heather. It just goes to show how out of touch these people are with the real world. There were six of us on the walk including Rowanne, hope the spelling is ok, Heather’s daughter, I hope she enjoyed her walk. Heather led us off up a lovely grassy path, as promised, and before too long we found ourselves on the summit of Sale Fell enjoying some great views. We then set off across the fells and along a lovely woodland path to meet up with Toodles the Gate, perhaps a relative of Thomas the Tank, enjoying some more great views on the way. It was then up to the Corpse Road and Ling Fell. I had been in considerable pain throughout the walk due to an injured leg and decided to have a rest and give Ling Fell a miss. The others set off and I sat and had a long leisurely lunch and listened to my favourite music tracks on my phone until the others returned. I got some strange looks from several walkers as they passed by, not surprising I suppose as I realised I had been singing along to the music. I should have put my hat out, I might have made a few bob. The others soon returned and we set off on the home stretch. We arrived back at the cars and set off for the Schoolhouse tearoom and gift shop in Uldale. I’ve never been there before and a very nice little place it is. Heather attempted to demolish the gift displays, the words bull and china shop come to mind but fortunately nothing was breakable.
A lovely day and a lovely walk. Many thanks to Heather for leading and to all the others for their company.
Apologies to all those at the Sands this morning for my language, I was rather annoyed at the time.