Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 13th March 2016

B Walk

Tarras Water - Whita Hill

8 Miles Grade 3

Leader: Nancy McLure

Reports by Nancy McLure & Jenny Smith

Photos by Jenny Smith


Nancy's Report


Twelve walkers set off on the B walk heading south out of Langholm. It was a lovely morning, quite warm for the time of year and it wasn't long till coats were cast. At the Moorland Bird Hide we disturbed some bird watchers so did not stay long. We headed east along the banks of the Tarras Water finding frogs and frogspawn in any available amount of water, even in a cattle grid. Spring has definitely sprung in frog world! A pair of curlew flew overhead as we walked between Cronksbank and Perterburn. After crossing the Tarras for a second time we lunched near the track before tackling the surprisingly dry track to Little Tarras. The long haul up to the Newcastleton road was the slowest part of the walk and then we paid our respects to  poet, Hugh MacDiarmid before following the track up to the top of Whita  Hill and the Langholm Monument to Sir John Malcolm. Soon we were walking "doon the face" of the hill before welcome refreshments at the Eskdale Hotel. Thanks to all who came for their good company.

Jenny's Report
We had a lovely walk led once again by Nancy. Who also gives us info on local history and geography. We got back to Langholm at precisely 3.00pm just as she predicted, to find our tea and scones waiting in the Douglas Hotel. Thanks Nancy.
Couple of photos - one was meant to look like the Rank intro but didn't quite make it. Lacking a muscly male, never mind.