Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 1st January 2017

New Years Day Walk

Gelt Woods

Leader: John McKay

Report by Peter Flynn

Photos by John McKay & Peter Flynn


If this walk was meant to set the standards for future walks then the club is going to become very popular,  though maybe not quite with the people who frequent it now.  12 turned up at Gelt Bridge for a leisurely miander through the woods.  There was a walk welcome to Ian,  who flies – and tows - gliders in his spare time, Catherine who has recently moved up from France via a spell in London and Jaquie with her two dogs, Diesel and Pip  A warning to all of you;  stopping for champagne and chocolates after about an hour’s walking is not standard practice but tends to be confined to special occasions.  Two glasses of bubbly made for some “interesting” route finding.  The walk itself was a variation, for most of those present, on a fairly well known route,  ie. along the river path in Gelt Woods and then across a series of somewhat muddy and at times very wet country lanes.  The weather was beautiful, clear, rather cold but sunny and I am sure I can speak for everyone when I say it was a very pleasant introduction to the New Year.  Thanks John for planning and leading it.

