Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports


Sunday 14th July 2024

Blea Crag - Red Pike - High Stile

Leader: Jean Murray and Mark Graham

Report by Mark Graham

Photos by Astrid Carss, Jean Murray and Mark Grhaam

Jean and I would  like  to  thank the 9 members  and 1 newcomer who  joined us on our walk  today.  The start  of the walk was below  cloud so we had  a banana  break at scale force waterfall. Then up and onwards to blea crag where we met the clouds for the next  5 peaks until we reached scarth gap. For most of the day we were  walking in a very fine drizzle but did  not require  waterproofs very much. We took lunch  just  below  red pike but unfortunately with  no views. When we reached  the lake  shore  paths  2 of the younger members decided  to have  a swim  and a paddle in buttermere......Thanks  for your  support Mark and Jean