Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 17th September 2017

A Walk

High Cup Nick

9 Miles Grade 2

Leader: Ian Rowley

Report by Peter Flynn

Photos by Peter Flynn & Ian Rowley


If there is more spectacular mountain scenery in England at least,  or a more stunning way of approaching it than up the valley with the cliffs on either side,  then I for one do not know it. Today’s walk was not the most challenging (although actually finding Dufton,  the starting point,  by following road signs did take some doing), but once on the walk,  we were mesmerised by the gradually unfolding views.  Approaching the Pennines from Penrith the higher parts – Cross Fell etc. – were covered with cloud,  but once on them it did look as though we had luck on our side with the weather at least.  The northern Lakes were covered in cloud for most of the day whereas we had excellent weather,  a bit chilly on the very top,  but quite warm and calm on the way up.  The final section involved a bit of a scramble,  very easy,  and we sheltered from the cold wind above a stream where it plunged over the cliff face.  Coming down we passed a curious sign,  warning us “shooting in progress” so we joined in the spirit,  selected three undesirables from among the seven of us,  Roger,  Malcolm and Ian,  and a firing squad to finish them off.  (The aim was lousy,  so they lived to walk again.)  A lovely walk,  finished off with excellent refreshments from the village café.  Many thanks to Ian for planning and leading it.

