Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 21st May 2017

B Walk

Calf Crag - Far Easedale

8 Miles Grade 2

Leader: Ian Rowley

Report & Photos by

Ian Rowley & Christine Loftus

After just a few days of rain the Lakeland fells had returned to their more normal state and what had been a bone dry route well almost) seven days earlier turned out to be a bit of a soggy one!
Twenty-two or possibly twenty-three walkers joined the B walk which almost began from Ambleside after the driver overshot Grasmere.
This meant a slightly longer walk and a later start than planned which, coupled with the size of the group and a number of stepping stone crossings of becks and streams kept the pace of the walk, and it’s leader, under control.
After a steady climb into the handsomely named Greenburn Bottom - a high glaciated cirque there followed a steepish pull onto the ridge between Calf Crag and Helm Crag. Rumbling stomachs insisted that lunch was taken here and for a while it looked as though there might be more rain to add to the moisture under foot, However this soon passed and with the afternoon the weather improved with sunshine accompanying the group down the rocky path along side Easedale beck past it’s fine set of waterfalls.
After several more beck crossings we were all glad to reach the delights of Grasmere’s abundant tearooms. 
A fine day out with good company among great scenery. Thanks to all those who joined the walk.
Ian and Christine