Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 28th January 2018

A Walk

Lords Seat - Spout Force

7 Miles Grade 2

Leader: David Bulman

Report by David Bulman

Photos by

David Bulman & Christine Milton




It was decided to combine the A and B walks on Sunday 28th Jan after 10 members turned out determined to not let 'a little bit of wind' spoil the great outdoors! So with great enthusiasm we set of to complete the A walk. But, before we reached the first top our enthusiasm wained as it became clear the gale force wind we experienced was going to win and we decided to abort on safety and comfort grounds before someone was blown over. so we retreated to the valley and decided to visit Spout Force where we would have lunch. It being only 1.30pm or so what to do for the rest of the day? So Peter came up with the suggestion to do Buttermere which was unanimously approved. And so off we set and enjoyed the rest of the day culminating in refreshments at Croft Farm cafĂ©. A big thanks to those who turned out and a special mention to Harry, a first timer with the club who we look forward to seeing again.

