Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Sunday 3rd June 2018

C Walk

7 Miles Grade 4

Stavely to Kendal

Leader: Gill Thompson

Report by Gill Thompson

Photos by Joe Birney

There were 11 on this easy walk, mostly along the river Kent, interspersed with a few road sections. We all found the humidity and heat quite tiring but the terrain and pace were ideal for these conditions. A handy group of rocks were found by the river for the  lunch stop and some later  made use of a seat in one of the villages. There were quite a few people on the Dales Way, one couple we spoke to  were completing the stretch into Windermere - their last day of 5. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we were definitely ready for a cuppa at the end of the walk.

