Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

A Walk

Great Shunner Fell

12 Miles Grade 2

Leader: Ian Rowley

Reports by Ian Rowley & Peter Flynn

Photos by Pete Rutland, Peter Flynn & John McKay


Ian's Report


Twelve walkers left the coach at the Moorcock Inn and were later joined by three more as the walk turned out to be the fine high moorland  trek as promised with the added bonus of almost bone dry conditions underfoot.

Keeping to a tight schedule, ruthlessly imposed by the walk leader, good progress was made through the hamlet of Cotterdale then up to the meeting point with the Pennine Way after the steepest climb of the walk. This was  also the only point on the walk where we met any other walkers on the way up to Great Shunner. The summit of the mountain, hidden from view up to this point, was still mile or so away and so a late lunch was taken in the fine stone shelter at the top of the fell.
We then made a relatively leisurely descent down to Hardraw where we split into three groups, one party visiting the waterfall, another group the tea room and a contingent  sampling the ales in the pub (the walk leader choosing the latter option) There was no sign of Kevin Costner or for that matter any other naked bathers at the waterfall  perhaps it’s still a bit too cold.
A final amble down into Hawes and the day was rounded off with the meal in the Fountain Hotel.  A final check with GPS also revealed the walk was exactly 13 miles.




Peter's Report


What an interesting headline it would have made:  Carlisle Ramblers all arrested for making off without payment!  Dramatic police chase across Yorkshire Dales!  After the sort of day we will all remember for years,  a beautiful area,  dramatic scenery,  a lovely dinner in a superb  hotel in what must be one of the prettiest towns in Britain – we all finish up handcuffed and held overnight till court the next morning.  So easy to do – have 44 (or so) meals provided,  with the bill in the region of £800 and then walk out and forget to pay.  We’ve all done it (haven’t we?)  Fortunately John remembered that he had the money just as we were about to drive away from the place so all’s well that ends well.  (Honestly,  your worships,  I just forgot....") 12 of us set off on the A walk on an undulating and lengthy course that took us onto Dry Gill Head (very dry today) and up to Great Shunner Fell and back via a game of local league cricket  to the excellent dinner at Hawes.  The 12 became 15 after a couple of miles,  but almost finished up with 14 until near the end when we re-gained our extra person.  Part of the route was on the Pennine Way where long distances,  presumably those prone to being boggy, were covered in huge stone slabs – an amazing sight and a total mystery as to how they got there in the first place.  (Similar ones are seen in the Cross Fell region – maybe someone could enlighten us as to how they  got there?).   From what I can pick up,  all the walks were delightful,  a lovely occasional contrast to the Lake District.  Many thanks to Ian for planning and leading our walk.






Very many thanks for all the work that went into making yesterday such a memorable one for all of us.  While we have plenty of walks,  we don't often get the chance to sit down,  relax and have a lovely meal together.  Everybody on the coach afterwards told us how much they had enjoyed it,  what superb service it was and what lovely food.  The room itself was so beautifully set out - and then we so nearly managed to make off without payment!!  😈  The bus was about to leave when the chairman,  John who,  in the absence of the treasurer was looking after the payment himself,  suddenly said "I forgot to pay!"  It would have made wonderful headlines in the Yorkshire Echo  (if it is still published) with the club being banned the length and breadth of Yorkshire at least.  Fortunately we managed to avoid that fate so thanks once again,  and hopefully we will see you some time in the future.

Best Wishes

Peter Flynn

Sunday 7th May 2017

Annual Coach Ramble


Walks followed by dinner at the Fountain Hotel

Copy of an email sent by Peter in his capacity as rambles secretary to the hotel management