Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club
Walk & Event Reports
Having decided that the weather forecast had improved during the week 6 walkers set off with high hopes and were not disappointed, although the high fell tops at the head of the valley were in cloud at our level it was fine, the views around this valley and the waterfalls along the river accompanying our walk out were quite dramatic and made the journey well worth it. Starting with a stiff climb up Border End we took advantage of a stop on the top out of the cool breeze before crossing to Hardknott where again shelter sought saw us enjoy lunch. Then it was all downhill to Lincove Beck/ River Esk where several small detours to appreciate this beautiful river were enjoyed and the cameras were busy. After refreshments in the Woolpack we were back in Carlisle sooner than predicted. Thanks to all who attended
Sunday 9th October 2022
Hard Knott
Leader: David Bulman
Report by David Bulman
Photos by
David Bulman - Christine Milton