Thursday Night Walk 14th July 2016
Leader:John McKay
Report by John McKay
Photos by Ann Kin-Cleaves & John McKay
Another beautiful evening for another lovely Thursday night walk. Eight of us set off from Lanercost Abbey and through the cemetery to the banks of the river Irthing. We followed the river then branched off to pick up the Hadrian’s Wall path. At this point the group somehow split into two groups. We had to cross a field with a large bull standing on the path. Some of the party felt a diversion was required but some of us just carried on regardless. We crossed the field no problem at all and we all met up again and made our way along the Hadrian’s Wall Path back to Lanercost Abbey. Off we went to the Belted Wiil for a lovely dinner, I can recommend the strawberry cheesecake, it was delicious. Another lovely evening with a great bunch of walkers. Thanks to all for coming along.