Eighteen of us set out on a lovely walking morning, sunny at first,
becoming breezy on the top, with some ominous clouds by lunchtime, but
no rain all day. I hope everyone was suitably impressed by our (LEGAL!)
cannabis farm. Many thanks to the welcoming staff at the Buccleuch
Centre, who stayed open especially for us.
I must assure everyone that, despite appearances, I was drinking only
water at lunchtime. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your concern,
to Judith and Lynda who carried my sack, despite my protestations, to
Tony and Ian for keeping me on the straight and narrow on the last part
of the descent, to Graham for transporting us back to the car, to
Kathryn for support at the Centre, and of course to Anne for her
unswerving devotion and bullying me into doing as I was told!
Both paramedics and my GP gave me a battery of tests without finding
anything of note, but I'm being sent for further tests. The GP forbade
me to go swimming tonight - huh. I'm feeling absolutely fine. Watch
this space!