Wednesday 2nd November 2016
Langholm Area
7.5 Miles Grade 3
Leader: Nancy McLure
Report & Photos by Nancy McLure
Twenty walkers began the gradual climb of Whita Hill in cold but clear conditions. We reached the road which leads up to the monument, the one to Sir John Malcolm, and then descended to renew our acquaintance with the open book memorial to the poet, Hugh MacDiarmid. During my summary of the poet's life, I was eclipsed by a large skein of geese passing overhead and what that means, I don't know! Our route followed the Moorland path to Little Tarras and then on to Middlemoss where conditions were the driest we have ever experienced. We crossed the Tarras Water at Perterburn where we met a solitary walker and a cow which had escaped from a field provoking much noise from the rest of the herd. The lunch stop on the road was not the best, lacking good seats but hunger prevailed. Our next stop was at the Laverock Bird Hide and then the sun came out showing off the autumn colours to great advantage as we followed the track back to Langholm via the Round House and then to the delights of the church coffee afternoon. Thanks to all for their good company.