Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Wednesday 6th March 2019

Langholm Area

Leader: Nancy McLure

Report by Nancy McLure


Five walkers joined me in rather damp conditions to complete today’s walk. However the mist lifted and we had occasional dry spells as we ascended Warb Law. We were greeted at the old railway line by a blackbird’s joyful song and dry conditions prevailed till we began to walk along the pylon path. We had to negotiate small torrents running down Whita Hill and the rain came on with a vengeance. However it relented for our lunch stop looking down on the golf course and the town. We then proceeded along the side of the hill to the Newcastleton road and viewed the recently felled wood before returning to town and welcome refreshments at the church cafe. Thanks to all who came for their cheerful dispositions and good company.


It is worth noting that three walkers did meet at the Sands but there were no cars. The x95 bus leaves the Courts, English St at 8.55, calling at the bus stop at the Market Hall and various other stops,  reaching Langholm at 9.40 and that might be an alternative for the future. There are buses south to Carlisle at 20 mins to the hour daily.


Best wishes
