Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

Walk & Event Reports

Twenty four walkers turned up at the start of the walk,  despite the rather dodgy weather forecast.; The weather wasn't too good to start with, it was very cloudy and slightly drizzly.  However we set off in good spirits, every now and then it would stop so we'd take off our waterproofs, just in time for the drizzle to start again!  Eventually the cloud lifted and the day brightened up so that we could appreciate the lovely views all around from Sale and Ling Fell. We had lunch in a sheltered spot out of the strong breeze.  We all enjoyed the day, it is a lovely walk and there was no mud!  We ended the day having drinks and even more chat in the excellent and hospitable Pheasant Inn.
Thanks to everyone for turning up and special thanks to Ken for being back marker.



Wednesday 7th August 2024

Sale Fell and Ling Fell

Leader: Jenny Smith

Report by: Jenny Smith

Photos by Andy Lindsay, Jenny Smith, Martina Plunkett and Mike Coates